Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ear Stretching Basics(Before you start stretching)

Fair Warning!!! This post will NOT be a step-by-step tutorial on how to stretch your ears. I'm simply going to be going over some basic considerations before you begin the stretching process. So let's begin!

Consideration #1: How were your ears originally pierced? 

Chances are, you got your first piercing when you were too young to even remember whether or not it hurt. Or maybe you waited until you were older and went to your local jewelry kiosk to get pierced. In any case, you need to take into account what was used when that first set of holes was created. Most jewelry kiosk/stores who also provide piercing services are only certified to use a piercing gun. In most cases, the piercing gun is only equipped with a solid needle. If you go to an actual piercing shop, they will most likely use a hollow needle to make the hole. So what's the difference you ask? A solid needle means that blunt force trauma (although in a small diameter) is being applied to the tissue of your ear lobes.This can create problems for future stretching because the tissue that should have been removed is still there, causing more pressure on the jewelry and your ears; which can eventually lead to the tissue not healing properly, infections, increase in scar tissue and frequent keloids. Think of it like cutting cookies out of dough, If you use an actual cookie cutter (the hollow needle) you get a perfectly round cookie. If you just use your hand to rip out the dough (a solid needle) you'll get a kind of funky shaped round-ish cookie. If you've never had your ears pierced before, my best advice is go to an actual shop, NOT a kiosk...your ears will thank you later. However, if you didn't have that option, just be sure to take a tad more care and caution with your lobes when stretching.

Consideration #2: What's your pain tolerance?

Stretching should NEVER be painful in any way. However, each stretch is like a new piercing. You will feel a slight sensation on your ears. Especially your very first stretch. (We'll go over the difference between pain and a sensation in later blogs.) If being pinched makes you run home screaming and crying..maybe you should think about investing in faux plugs. 

and the last consideration of the post is...*Drum Roll*

Consideration #3: Your personal hygiene

I know, it SHOULD be extremely obvious to make sure you're on the up and up on taking showers, but you'd be surprised how many people have never (and most likely still don't) take proper care of their piercings and stretches. Not taking care of any piercing you have can lead to a horrible experience involving an infected puss-filled, oozing, bleeding ear (grrross!)Be sure to wash your stretch on a daily basis with non-scented antibacterial soap. Also, using products like H20cean, Holey Butt'r, Jojoba Oil or Vitamin E Oil aid in keeping your ears nice and healthy inside and out.

So now that you've had time to think things over, will you still be stretching? If so, be sure to subscribe to this blog and check back every week for new pics, updates and findings on all things "beautifully stretched."

Until next time!
Auri <3

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